Insulation Removal

Safety at Details Insulation in Edmonton, AB

Everyone talks about it - we all say that "safety is our first priority",  but there is a very significant difference between saying it, and actually acting on those words. A safe work environment requires a significant investment of time and money on and initial and ongoing basis. At Details Insulation, we are committed to putting those words into action, for ourselves and for our clients.

Upgrading Wall & Attic Insulation with Spray Foam

During the summer months, we work with a number of Edmonton and Area General and Exterior Contractors to upgrade walls, from the outside of the home, at the same time as new siding is being installed. Generally, these homes have 2x4 walls, minimal insulation, and poor/improperly sealed vapour barriers. In short, the poorly insulated walls are drafty and allow cold to enter and heat to escape.